Volume 32, Issue 1 (2022)                   IJAUP 2022, 32(1) | Back to browse issues page

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Abbaszadeh M J, Madani R, Ghaffari A. Effects of Non-Acoustic Factors on Noise Annoyance in Apartment Buildings (Case Study: Aseman-E Tabriz Residential Complex). IJAUP 2022; 32 (1)
URL: http://ijaup.iust.ac.ir/article-1-612-en.html
1- Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
2- Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran , ramin.madani99@gmail.com
3- Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran
Noise annoyance is a sensitive indicator of adverse noise effects and by itself means that noise affects people’s quality of life. In fact the acoustic environment has been neglected during the education of building engineers and architects relative to the thermal and lighting aspects addressed in education programs. This study aimed to investigate various non-acoustic factors on the annoyance caused by environmental noise in residential apartments. The surveys were conducted in Iran, city of Tabriz in October and November 2019. This research is descriptive-analytical and the type of research is correlational and causal. The statistical population of this study has formed the residents of different towers of Aseman-e Tabriz Residential Complex, which was selected as the sample size by using 373 Cochran's formula. The way of selecting sample people is randomly simple. The validity of the questionnaire has been confirmed by the professors and the reliability of the questionnaire has been obtained using Cronbach's special alpha formula for the variables in total equal to 0.857, and the variables of the situational section 0.902. Among all variables of the study, only four variables of fear with the 12.93% of variance changes, sensitivity to noise with the 11.85%, health issues of the residents with the 12.25%, satisfaction with the quality of construction and insulation with the 12.53% are the main factors influencing.
Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: General Architecture

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