Volume 29, Issue 2 (2019)                   IJAUP 2019, 29(2) | Back to browse issues page

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Japalaghi G, Mohammad Moradi A, Memarian G, Hosseini M. Consequences and the process of creating a historical disconnection in the last six decades of architecture and urbanism of Iran. IJAUP 2019; 29 (2)
URL: http://ijaup.iust.ac.ir/article-1-497-en.html
1- Architecture and Urbanism Faculty, Iran University of Science and Technology, Coservation Group, Arcitecture and urbanism Faculty, IUST, Tehran, Iran , japalaghi@arch.iust.ac.ir
2- Architecture and Urbanism Faculty, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran
Change is an essential element to Humans and foundation of their lives. Each change though requires its unique
conditions. But Change may result in total destruction instead of exaltation if it takes place without considering conditions
regarding it’s time, place and also without scientific evaluations. There are many factors and reasons for change and
transformation and once it happens, consequences would follow. Due to social, managerial and historical events, Iran’s
society has undergone changes during its modern era. Consecutively, Iran’s architecture has too experienced a drastic
transformation during the past hundred years and especially in the past six decades which some call this an interruption.
Interruption means, the connection between past and present has been cut off. Today as result of this interruption, Iran’s
society is experiencing an increase in individualism and decrease in social relations. This would seriously question objectives
of a utopia.This study is looking to clarify the interruption process and events influencing it in Iran’s architecture and
urbanization base on three fundamental questions: 1. What are the causes of interruption in historical textures and which
factor plays the main role? 2. What is the orientation of master plans, the thinking of the inhabitants and the authorities of the
historical context regarding the issue of interruption and continuity? 3. What is the relationship between social relations
governing the formation of architecture in historical contexts and the issue of interruption and continuity?This study will be
using qualitative paradigm and historical research method to review the selected time intervals. As we progress through the
study, we will have a look at the consequences of the disconnection from past in Iran’s architecture and urbanization. There is
also a time graph which includes influential historical events projecting delicate turning and decision points. Moreover,
explaining the consequence of the interruption in Iran is the achievement of this study which would assist others with the same
interest with a clearer path throughout the time.
Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Architectural History

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