Volume 24, Issue 2 (2014)                   IJAUP 2014, 24(2) | Back to browse issues page

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Farrokhzad M, nayebi fahandari Z. Double skin glass façade and its effect on saving energy . IJAUP 2014; 24 (2)
URL: http://ijaup.iust.ac.ir/article-1-144-en.html
1- Professor, 2 Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran , , m.farrokhzad@gu.ac.ir
2- student, , Noor Islamic Azad University, Iran
One of the most important methods of saving energy and providing indoor comfort conditions of buildings is the careful design of the façades. A “double skin glass façade” is optimally one of the best options that control the heat interaction between indoor and outdoor spaces. Two kinds of heating energy is usually transmitted through exterior envelope “conduction” and “radiation”. Double skin glass façades (DSFg) are designed to manage these energies and in some special conditions, can prepare determined convection. The total solar radiation energy that can be received into the interior space, is one of the most important parameters for estimating the cooling load of the building and its occupants’ thermal comfort. DSFg also provides flexibility in architectural design. Recently, it has been more attention to double skin glass façades opposed to the most typically curtain walls for its ability to efficiently reduce energy consumption and therefore save cost. The design of the double skin glass façade involves decisions of geometric parameters, glass selection, ventilation strategy, shading, daylighting, wind loads, and maintenance and cleaning cost expectations. In this article, the authors intend to investigate features of double skin glass facade in reducing air pollution, air conditioning, fire safety and in the optimal use of sunlight within the building. In another part, this article will pay attention to the effect of wind, shading, type of glass and ventilation in the space between skins on the performance of double skin glass façade and their effect on energy saving. Finally, the authors analyze the rate of energy transfer from the double skin glass facade and provide four case studies. In addition, this paper shall review previous studies done on DSFg systems in building for saving energy.

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