Volume 34, Issue 3 (2024)                   IJAUP 2024, 34(3) | Back to browse issues page

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1- School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
2- School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran. , tarkashvand@iust.ac.ir
Any scientific activity or instrumental application involving façades—such as research, design, evaluation, and decision-making—requires a comprehensive set of criteria to cover all expected requirements. This highlights the necessity of a study to explore, gather, and organize a holistic set of criteria for the evaluation, study, design, and decision-making regarding façades. Moreover, establishing a comprehensive list of criteria is essential but insufficient on its own. It is equally important to achieve a mutual understanding of these criteria, providing experts and researchers with a common language and understanding regarding façades. Although various criteria have been mentioned in different façade-related research, a summary study to gather, organize, and reliably define these criteria is needed to improve the logical applications of façades and facilitate mutual understanding. This study aims to take the first step in meeting this requirement by describing each criterion relevant to façade assessment. In this context, a systematic library-based research approach was employed, reviewing 71 related papers. Criteria were then extracted using an exploratory study based on open and axial coding methods. Ultimately, 42 criteria were identified and organized into five primary categories: environmental aspects, social impacts, economic aspects, efficiency and effectiveness, and technical aspects.

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