Volume 30, Issue 2 (2020)                   IJAUP 2020, 30(2) | Back to browse issues page

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1- Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University.
2- Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University. , e_kakhani@sbu.ac.ir
Abu Hamed Mohammad al-Ghazālī was a mystic, jurist, and theologian who lived in the fifth century AH and significantly influenced Iranian culture. His most significant work is Iḥyaʾ ʿŪlum al-Dīnʾ, written in his seclusion period to revive religious knowledge, with the subject being applied knowledge. Therefore, it can be regarded as an architectural information reference. This research is dedicated to understanding al-Ghazālī’s principles for architecture and its status in Iḥyaʾ. It was done by the Historical-Interpretation approach, reading and interpreting the original text of Iḥyaʾ, and that is why just for mentioning the evidence and having an improved perception of Iḥyaʾ, other al-Ḡhazālī’s books and references were used.
The outcome of this research is two architectural categories from Iḥyaʾ. These are form and content and the rules of architecture. In al-Ghazali’s opinion, the craftsmen, along with other people, can also make the spiritual journey based on their crafts. He has to do his crafts with the ḏhekr (God’s Remembrance), Seek the real contents from the world's forms, construct as an implication to the most beloved, God, and construct the world to construct his hereafter.
Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Architectural History

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