Volume 27, Issue 1 (2017)                   IJAUP 2017, 27(1) | Back to browse issues page

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1- Phd candidate at IUST, Narmak, Tehran, Iran, 1684613114
2- Assistant Professor, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, Narmak, Tehran, Iran, 1684613114 , S_m_mofidi@iust.ac.ir
3- M.A. at SBU

Using the results of the assessment of desirability from the viewpoint of employees and the computer analysis of space syntax, the desirability factors of work desk arrangement in office space have been analyzed in the present study. Firstly a pictorial questionnaire was distributed among 113 employees in two offices of Tabriz city to obtain the desirable sitting places in the room (considering the position of the door of room, the angle of the sitting and the position of the desk of colleague). Next, using the space syntax software, the factors which affect the preferences of employees were analyzed. In this regard, indices such as Isovist, integration and distance from the door were studied. The results show the impact of these indices on the preferences of employees. The significance and impact of the indices have not been similar and in some cases, "distance from the door" has had the highest impact and the "isovist" has had more impact than "integration". In relation to the selection of the sitting place, this research has also demonstrated the impact of organizational and cultural factors on the preferences of employees. Such as the difference between the spatial value of various parts of the room in terms of distance from the door and the position of the door in different cultures, the difference between the results obtained from female respondents and the male respondents in relation to the index of "isovist from outside", as well as the difference between the choices of individuals with different occupational ranks.

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  • Importance of POE study in research on office space.
  • Impact of culture on Work desk position priorities  
  • Method of numerical analyzing using Space Syntax 

Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Architecture

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